
Why blog? Is it worth the effort?

Why blog? Is it worth the effort?

The answer is YES, blogging is worth the effort. Here’s why:


The Evidence

Do some quick research yourself and you’ll soon find all kinds of data backing up the idea that blogging is good for business. Try these statistics on for size:

  • Companies who don’t have a blog get 67% less leads per month than companies who have a blog
  • Featuring a blog as a core part of your website will give your website a 434% better chance of being ranked highly by the search engines.

Ever wondered how they get these exact figures in the statistics? We don’t know but we do know that content marketing produces three times as many leads as traditional marketing and today, it definitely pays to blog.


What Is Blogging?

Blogging first started in the ‘90s when people shared their thoughts and opinions online and since then not a lot has changed, except perhaps blogging’s popularity.

These days there’s a real hunger for well-written, informative blogs and why? What’s the typical thing people tend to do when they have a question? Go online and ask Google.


Opportunities for business

Your blog can answer problems people are facing that your company specialises in, or give advice and information on products and services. Best of all there’s a ready, waiting audience for your knowledge. Hello business opportunities!


Speaking of opportunities, what can you stand to gain? Try these out for some great reasons to get blogging:


  1. Click-throughs from your blogs increase online traffic numbers to your website. This shows higher engagement with your website which is good for rankings
  2. If you can get your blogs posted on credible, authoritative websites with a click-through to your website this will increase your website’s authority which Google will reward, with better rankings
  3. Google views frequently updated websites as current and favours these, so post your blogs on your company’s website
  4. Blogs help you connect with your audience and are trusted sources of information. Because of this, blogs also help position your brand as an expert in your field
  5. How about this one? A whopping 80% of business to business customers would rather get their information from a series of blogs than ads. That is saying something!
  6. Post your blogs to social media sites and encourage your audience to like and share them to increase your business’s popularity and online reach
  7. Blog on a wide range of topics and increase opportunities of appearing in online search results.


And that is just a small sample of great reasons to blog.


Another plus? If writing really isn’t your thing but you like what blogging could do for your business, outsource it. Blogging costs far less than other forms of advertising – which according to the latest statistics – are not as effective as blogging anyway! Get in contact with the Wellington digital marketing experts today!

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